Master Classes
Schedule & Descriptions
Mon 3 PM
The Power of "YOUR" Story with Becky Allender, The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology
Psalm 139:17 tells us God's thoughts about us are precious. Too often we live as if we are under judgement rather than blessing. Our focus will be on what it means to bless our heartache and struggles while honoring who we have become, not merely who we should be.
Becky Allender earned a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction. She co-founded The Allender Center and writes a monthly blog for Red Tent Living. She facilitates Story Workshops and Narrative Focused Trauma Care groups for The Allender Center. She co-leads marriage retreats with her husband and other colleagues. She is a passionate advocate for people who have been sexually harmed and exploited. Most important of all she is a wife, mother, and grandmother.
Location: KERN, Stansbury
Familial Trafficking: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Challenges (Part 1) with Jeanne Allert, The Samaritan Women - Institute for Shelter Care
This session will present the results of a national study on the prevalence and characteristics of domestic minor familial sex trafficking in America. This 2021 study included a sample of over 3,500 child trafficking cases, as identified by justice professionals. Emphases in Part 1 is on challenges associated with case identification, investigation and prosecution.
Dr. Jeanne Allert founded The Samaritan Women in 2007 and serves as Executive Director. She is the chief architect behind The Samaritan Women’s healing program and spends a great deal of time educating medical, social work, and mental health professionals about the unique needs of trafficking victims. In 2018 she created the Institute for Shelter Care, a national initiative to address gaps in service and quality for victims of sexual exploitation.
Location: BAUER, Lightbody
How Not to be An Ass: Becoming a Good & Safe Man with Andrew Bauman, Sexual Health & Trauma
We have a masculinity problem. Men perpetrate a significant majority of violence—murders, assaults, robbery, sexual assaults, terrorism, workplace violence, and domestic abuse/violence. Over ninety percent of rapes are perpetrated by men. Men, we have a problem, and we MUST take a hard, non-defensive look at ourselves and see what WE are doing to contribute to this epidemic. It is possible to break this cycle and become a good and safe men.
Andrew J. Bauman is a licensed mental health counselor with a master’s degree in counseling psychology from The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. He’s the author of How Not to Be an *SS, The Sexually Healthy Man, Floating Away, Stumbling Toward Wholeness, The Psychology of Porn, and (with his wife Dr. Christy Bauman) A Brave Lament, a book and award-winning film. He’s also the founder and director of the Christian Counseling Center for Sexual Health & Trauma,
Location: BAUER, LaDue
Stories in Grace (SING) with Linda Dykstra, Stories in Grace
SING is a 36 lesson, Bible-based educational program designed for trauma and non-trauma
settings worldwide. The two-fold goal is emotional healing and spiritual growth.
Linda Dykstra is a psychologist, mediator, author and creator of SING.
Location: BAUER, Beaty
Tools to empower children of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation with Laura Naranjo González, Rahab Foundation, Costa Rica
We will discuss the construction of the identity of the children of a survivor of trafficking, consequences of trauma in minors and tools to help them cope.
Laura Naranjo González graduated in psychology. She is the Coordinator of social programs and interdisciplinary teams, psychotherapeutic care and design, application and supervision of care models for vulnerable populations. She has been the supervisor of highly complex cases for the professional teams for the resolution of difficult and unusual situations. She has done sensitization training for civil society, group socio-educational and therapeutic sessions with survivors.
Location: KERN, Hanson
Lessons Learnt from the Chab Dai Butterfly Longitudinal Research Project with Glenn Miles, Chab Dai
The Butterfly Project has been a ten-year research project following survivors of sex trafficking in Cambodia (2010-2020). Many lessons have been learnt from this important and unique project that can be applied to shelter and reintegration projects around the world. Practitioners can find reports on Researchers can see peer review papers on
Glenn Miles, PhD has been working to address the challenges of sexually exploited vulnerable people for 15 years and children at risk for a further 15 years, focusing on SE Asia,
Location: KERN, Cary
Restorative Justice: How to use restorative practices in your context with Samantha Miller, Voices Heard LLC
Christians belong in restorative justice work, joining God in his work of reconciliation. You are welcome to join this class to learn more about restorative justice and examples of how restorative practices can be used to address harm in your organizations and communities. Participants will also learn about how restorative justice is used in instances of sexual harm.
Samantha Miller has a background as a federal law enforcement officer in the US and has two master’s degrees, one in public administration and one in intercultural studies. Samantha currently operates a consulting business called Voices Heard LLC that works with internationall organizations, including Christian missionary organizations, responding to allegations of employee misconduct and child abuse. Samantha also volunteers in restorative justice conferences in her home state of Colorado.
Location: BAUER, Boddie
Women in the Early Church: The Revolutionary Christian Movement with Mako Nagasawa, The Anástasis Center for Christian Education and Ministry
Greeks and Romans believed women were inferior, as Plato and Aristotle said (4th century BC). But Pulcheria, a Christian woman, became Roman Augusta in 414 AD and presided over the Third and Fourth Ecumenical Councils. Empress Theodora was very influential in the 500s. And Irene became Emperor (not Empress) of the Romans by 800 AD. How did this happen? We explore Christian vocation as the reason why the faith empowered women in roles distinct from family, examining Scripture and early church sources.
Mako Ngasawa holds a Master of Theological Studies from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary. He is an Elder in the Neighborhood Church of Dorchester, MA. Author, Abortion Policy and Christian Social Ethics in the United States. Contributor, Honor, Shame, and the Gospel: Reframing Our Message for 21st Century Ministry; NIV God’s Justice Study Bible (Ezekiel).
Location: KERN, Brown
Creating Trauma-informed Workplaces with Dorothy Taft, The Market Project
“Belonging” is vital to creating a healing workplace. At The Market Project’s business in Uganda, hundreds of working-age youth have entered the formal economy.. Creating a trauma-informed (TI) work site is always a work in progress – training, applying, measuring, adapting. Lessons learned from 6+ years of operating the business in resource-scare environments will be shared, including policies, resources and TI training.
Dorothy Taft serves as ED of The Market Project, a nonprofit on mission to build sustainable businesses that offer jobs to trauma survivors. Since 2007, Dorothy has served as a lay counselor in her church community. She completed the Global Mental Health: Trauma and Recovery Certificate from Harvard Medical School’s Program in Refugee Trauma in 2021, and Missio Seminary’s Global Trauma Recovery Institute CE training in 2014. She and her husband live in Alexandria, VA.
Location: KERN, Boehr
Tues 10:30 AM
Familial Trafficking: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Challenges (Part 2) with Jeanne Allert, The Samaritan Women - Institute for Shelter Care
This session will build on Part 1 and explore the challenges associated with responding to victims of domestic minor familial sex trafficking cases. Emphasis in this session will be on the unique dynamics of familial victims and where services and service providers need to adapt to be more responsive to this form of victimization.
Dr. Jeanne Allert founded The Samaritan Women in 2007 and serves as Executive Director. She is the chief architect behind The Samaritan Women’s healing program and spends a great deal of time educating medical, social work, and mental health professionals about the unique needs of trafficking victims. In 2018 she created the Institute for Shelter Care, a national initiative to address gaps in service and quality for victims of sexual exploitation.
Location: BAUER, Lightbody
Commercial Sexual Exploitation Indicators and Predictors: An analysis of 1,264 case files of survivors of commercial sexual exploitation in Atlanta with Courtney Furlong, Auburn University
Courtney conducted a quantitative investigation of 1,264 unique case files collected between 2011 and 2021 by the Out of Darkness Safe Home program of Frontline Response in Atlanta. Predictors of exploitation, like mental health diagnoses, childhood sexual abuse, and educational achievement, along with relevant outcomes, such as age of first exploitation, length of exploitation, and mental health diagnoses, will be discussed. ICAP Global attendees will be the first to hear the results of this novel investigation.
Courtney Furlong, MS, MEd, CRC, ( is a licensed counselor who has served survivors of commercial sexual exploitation since 2002 and is currently pursuing a PhD in Human Development and Family Science at Auburn University. Courtney is on the North America leadership team for ICAP and serves on the board of Atlanta Redemption Ink, a nonprofit providing tattoo coverups for victims of commercial sexual exploitation who have brands/trafficking-related tattoos. Courtney currently serves as the Director of Research for Street Grace (
Location: KERN, Stansbury
Winsomely Beautiful Approach to Online Outreach with Lynnette Good, Alabaster Jar Indy & Winsomely Beautiful
Winsomely Beautiful approach to online outreach incorporates sending texting campaigns to exploited women, so a trusted relationship can be established. The goal is to meet these women face to face in a public place and offer them hope, help and healing through the gospel message.
Lynette Good founded Alabaster Jar INDY, whose vision is to passionately pursue women in the sex industry for the purpose of presenting Christ’s love. Our mission is to meet these women in the most common venues of exploitation. Winsomely Beautiful is a marketing strategy which resources AJI's outreaches. Fritz and Lynette have four married daughters, blessed by four godly sons-in-law and five grandchildren. They love to travel, walk, workout, and serve in the local church, primarily in the biblical counseling ministry.
Location: KERN, Cary
Why should we and how can we address ‘Judas’: Dealing with sex buyers with Samantha Miller, Voices Heard LLC, and Glenn Miles, , Chab Dai, Azalea Flint - Advisory Board
Jesus knew Judas would betray him and yet he still loved him. In this class we ask, are you praying for those who have harmed the survivors you serve? How do you show love to those who have caused harm? We will offer examples of how to show love to those who cause harm and a chance to discuss how to incorporate Jesus’ teaching into your practice.
Samantha Miller has a background as a federal law enforcement officer in the US and has two master’s degrees, one in public administration and one in intercultural studies. Samantha currently operates a consulting business called Voices Heard LLC that works with internationall organizations, including Christian missionary organizations, responding to allegations of employee misconduct and child abuse. Samantha also volunteers in restorative justice conferences in her home state of Colorado.
Glenn Miles, PhD has been working to address the challenges of sexually exploited vulnerable people for 15 years and children at risk for a further 15 years, focusing on SE Asia,
Location: BAUER, Boddie
Danza Profética (Prophetic Dance) - Mariliana Morales Berríos – Rahab Foundation
The Prophetic Dance is a spiritual representation of what we declare, claim and sing; presenting spiritual dance present in different cultures and ethnical groups with the goal of having communication with God for asking His supernatural intervention.
Mariliana Morales Berrios is Chilean married with three children and a grandson. She arrived in Costa Rica in 1982 from Chile, studied sociology at the UniversitIy of Costa Rica and also took a Masters Degree in Social Management at the same University. In 1997 she founded the Rahab Foundation, an NGO that ministers with victims of trafficking in persons for sexual purposes and victims of sex trade, both adults and minors, as well as the Transgender population in prostitution. She is considered a pioneer in Costa Rica for ground-breaking ministries.
Location: Crystal Meeting Room
A collaboraively led session on strategies for collaboration towards the success of our mission with Sandie Morgan and Helen Sworn
Sandie and Helen, both collaborators extrordinaire, will collaborate to share their best ideas, systems and experiences of collaboration which lead to the greatest outcomes for any organization aiming for excellence in ministry.
Sandie Morgan, an educator and nurse, is director of the Global Center for Women and Justice, Vanguard University where she oversees the Women and Justice Minor and hosts the annual Ensure Justice Conference. She has served as Co-chair of the Public-Private Partnership Advisory Council to End Human Trafficking by presidential appointment. She hosts the Ending Human Trafficking podcast with listeners in 148 countries. and is coauthor of Ending Human Trafficking: A Handbook of Strategies for the Church Today (IVP 2022).
Helen Sworn has been working in the field of counter human trafficking since 1999. Helen believes in movement building and in 2005 founded Chab Dai in Cambodia where she lived and worked between 1999 and 2018. Since moving back to the UK, Helen heads up the Global Learning Community, working with over 200 anti-trafficking stakeholders in more than 46 countries in order to strengthen and foster a more comprehensive, connected and competent movement.
Location: KERN, Hanson
God's Justice: Restorative, Not Retributive with Mako A Nagasawa, The Anástasis Center for Christian Education and Ministry
An explanation of various activities of God in Scripture as His restorative justice: 1) "An Eye for an Eye" as Restorative Justice; 2) God's Treatment of Israel as Restorative Justice; 3) God's Presence in Israel as Restorative; and 4) God's Atonement in Christ as Restorative.
Mako Ngasawa holds a Master of Theological Studies from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary. He is an Elder in the Neighborhood Church of Dorchester, MA. Author, Abortion Policy and Christian Social Ethics in the United States. Contributor, Honor, Shame, and the Gospel: Reframing Our Message for 21st Century Ministry; NIV God’s Justice Study Bible (Ezekiel)
Location: KERN, Brown
Learning to use Stories in Grace Material with Rosemary Schipper, Stories in Grace
With the use of the 6 step method leaders will be able to teach SING. Review the progressiveness of the material and familiarize the materials flexibility.
Rosemary Schipper has been a Christian Reformed Missionary in Latin America and Registered Nurse in the U.S.A.
Location: BAUER, Beaty
Systems which perpetuate violence against women—learnings from the field with Elaine Storkey, Restored, Press Red, Woman Alive
Women and men are both created and loved by God and asked to respect and care for each other. Yet so many women are subject to violence and abuse in their lives, often from men, and often reinforced by the systems of control we live under. We will be looking at how and why violence happens and what it does to women who are vulnerable. We shall also be looking at the way God's love speaks powerfully into the injustice and pain of violence and sharing stories of healing and restoration for those who have suffered.
Dr Elaine Storkey, author, broadcaster and professor, held posts at Oxford University, London University and others in UK and abroad. She was Tearfund’s president for 17 years. Elaine relates biblical Christianity to key areas of life, including gender and is passionate about working with vulnerable women especially those caught up in repressive regimes or oppression. Her book Scars Across Humanity documents some of their stories, and calls Christians to advocate and pray on their behalf.
Location: BAUER, LaDue
The Trauma-Informed Church with Christa Wiens, Central Valley Justice Coalition
Most churches long to be a safe place of love and support for people who have suffered, yet many survivors of trauma struggle to feel loved and supported in our faith communities. The Central Valley Justice Coalition has developed tools and resources to help pastors and lay leaders deepen their understanding of trauma to better serve those who most need to experience the love of Jesus.
Christa Wiens has been teaching since she could convince her little brother to sit still long enough. In the classroom and the community, Christa feels most alive when she can be part of someone else’s “aha” moment. As the Executive Director of the Central Valley Justice Coalition, Christa now works to educate all ages across a wide variety of sectors about the realities of human trafficking.
Location: KERN, Boehr
Thurs 3 PM
Creating Safe Spaces to meet Survivor's Spiritual Needs with Ariel Alexander, Project Suma
This class will demonstrate how to construct Bible studies for survivors of sexual exploitation where their context and experience is an essential part of sharing, where we emulate the open and loving invitation of Jesus and apply the principles of trauma-informed care to Bible engagement. This class will also highlight how to approach the Bible with trauma-informed lenses, identifying stories of resilience throughout the Bible, and the overarching story of belonging and redemption found therein.
Ariel Alexander is in charge of formation and international internships at Project Suma, and has over 13 years of experience in accompanying survivors of abuse and sexual exploitation as well as in coordinating cross cultural service and learning experiences. Ariel has an MA in Theological Studies and is passionate about facilitating safe spaces where spiritual needs can be met and inter cultural exchange can take place. With her husband, Gerhard, they have two sons.
Location: KERN, Brown
Rethinking the End of Exploitation with Christa Crawford, Institute for Anti-Trafficking Innovation
We’re never going to end sexual exploitation and trafficking…. Not if we just keep doing things the way they’ve always been done. How can we be even more effective? What is working? What can we improve? What will the future require? Let’s come together to rethink how we as a movement can more effectively end exploitation.
Christa Crawford is passionate about connecting people for freedom. A 20-year veteran of the anti-trafficking movement with grassroots, academic, and policy experience, she writes, speaks, teaches, and trains to bridge knowledge across sectors. Christa is editor of a book series exploring best responses to human trafficking, teaches graduate courses on exploitation, and has worked for leading international organizations as well as pioneered cutting-edge local responses.
Location: KERN, Boehr
Exploring Trauma from a Non-Western Perspective: Implications for Research and Practice with Stephanie Goins, Indigenous Pathways
In this class, we will together explore other ways of understanding trauma outside a Western perspective. We will talk about how colonization has influenced ways of defining trauma and prescribed methods of treatment. We will consider how other cultures understand and address trauma.
Dr. Stephanie Goins is the oldest of five and a wife of 43 years. She loves reading, learning, and understanding people. Because of her work in several African countries, Europe and Asia, she continues to be delighted by cultures and other ways of living. Stephanie earned her Masters in Psychology and her PhD researching the reintegration of former child soldiers in Sierra Leone. Her ongoing interest in the well-being of children has inspired her work for more than a decade in the anti-human trafficking field.
Location: BAUER, Beaty
Addressing Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking in Persons with Annette Twahirwa Kirabira, Rahab Uganda
The class proposes to speak into current trends and dynamics leading in a such a space, strengthening collaborations. The class will speak into evidence-based interventions and trauma-informed approaches for both beneficiaries and staff/practitioners.
Annette Kirabira is a Counselling Psychologist by profession, with a PhD in Organizational Leadership. She is a founder member and Executive Director of Rahab Uganda; an NGO non-profit organization in Uganda working to contribute to ending commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and trafficking in persons (TIP). Annette Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the Coalition against Trafficking in Persons-Uganda. Annette has a wealth of experience in trauma informed approaches in assisting victims/survivors.
Location: BAUER, Boddie
Dignity Talk with Joni Middleton, Project Rescue
We often use the word "dignity" to describe our work with human trafficking and/or prostitution survivors. Let's explore together what we mean when we talk about "restoring dignity," what it could look like, and how we can be more intentional about dignity restoration.
Joni Middleton has served as an AGWM missionary since 1992 and a training and network consultant with Project Rescue since 1998. She spent years in South Asia learning from human trafficking survivors, their children, and staff and facilitating the formation of two networks. In 2016, she moved to Paris where she now co-leads a ministry for Spanish-speaking people in prostitution. Her professional aim is to facilitate learning experiences that prepare and enhance best practices in human trafficking responses.
Location: BAUER, Lightbody
Sexual Behaviour of Christian Men in the UK with Glenn Miles, , Chab Dai, Azalea Flint - Advisory Board
Churches don't talk about sex much. They may talk a bit about pornography, but they don't address what pornography can lead to - sexual exploitation of vulnerable prostituted women, men, transgender and children through erotic massage and other sexual services. This is a survey with around 500 men most of whom were married and said they were strong Christians. Results are concerning. However, men give frank responses to how the church could be more responsive that we must hear.
Glenn Miles, PhD has been working to address the challenges of sexually exploited vulnerable people for 15 years and children at risk for a further 15 years, focusing on SE Asia,
Location: KERN, Cary
Spiritual Warfare with Mariliana Morales Berríos, Rahab Foundation
There are two basic mistakes we make when we talk about Spiritual Warfare: To make excessive emphasis or to minimize it. Some blame it of every sin, every conflict and every problem which is related to demons that need to be expulsed. Others ignore completely the spiritual reality and the fact that the Bible teaches that all our battles are against spiritual powers. The key for success in spiritual warfare is to find the biblical balance. Creating Safe Spaces to meet.
Mariliana Morales Berrios is Chilean married with three children and a grandson. She arrived in Costa Rica in 1982 from Chile, studied sociology at the UniversitIy of Costa Rica and also took a Masters Degree in Social Management at the same University. In 1997 she founded the Rahab Foundation, an NGO that ministers with victims of trafficking in persons for sexual purposes and victims of sex trade, both adults and minors, as well as the Transgender population in prostitution. She is considered a pioneer in Costa Rica for ground-breaking ministries.
Location: KERN, Hanson
East Meets West: Counseling Practices in Two Cultures with Thelma Nambu and Corinne Vance, Samaritana Transformation Ministries
This seminar will provide insights on some of the salient points by which counseling practices of two organizations working among survivors of prostitution and human trafficking - The Well House in North America and Samaritana Transformation Ministries in the Philippines. The seminar will highlight the cultural challenges in appropriating healthy boundaries and individuation as paths to healing. It will bring together the common biblical concepts that undergird their counseling approaches.
Thelma Nambu has earned a Master of Ministries from Asian Theological Seminary; a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling from Colorado Christian University; a Post-graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction from the Tao Fong Shan Center of Spirituality; and a Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Direction from the Graduate Theological Foundation. Thelma is the Founder and Director of Programs of Samaritana and has 30 years of experience working with survivors of commercial sexual exploitation.
Corinne Vance is a licensed mental health therapist and has been working in the world of survivors and aftercare since 2009. She has been instrumental in the care and growth of woman, including developing a Stabilization Center, at The WellHouse in Odenville, Alabama, a residential safe home for women recovered from sex trafficking.
Location: KERN, Stansbury
Practitioners, Is it all about salvation or recovery, or both? with Ruth Robb, Azalea
This master class offers an opportunity to explore both perspectives. Does the outworking of our Christian faith mean we offer a blended expression of evangelism and therapeutic recovery. What is our gifting?
Ruth Robb has been a practitioner, author, mentor in the sphere of domestic and international sex trafficking since 1987. The core of my motivation is that every human has the right to know Jesus loves them unconditionally. Currently I am based in Azalea, I also love coffee!
Location: BAUER, LaDue